Unattended threat actors will be given a free copy of factorio and THC gummies.
Unattended threat actors will be given a free copy of factorio and THC gummies.
Graham Sutherland / Polynomialreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc a new take on tarpitting
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Graham Sutherland / Polynomial last edited by [email protected]
@gsuberland I saw a blog post about sabotaging ones competition by gifting their engineers factorio, but nerd sniping threat actors is even funnier.
Ryan Clough :scremcat:replied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc I have been told I would like Factorio.
I have seen friends loose hours to Factorio.
My wife has all but forbidden me from playing Factorio.
I know I'll probably pick it up at some point, but I am *terrified* at how easily this games pulls people in.
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Ryan Clough :scremcat: last edited by
@CiscoJunkie What's your Steam account?
Vissreplied to Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag: last edited by
@ryanc indica or sativa?
Ryan Castellucci :nonbinary_flag:replied to Viss last edited by
@Viss I know far less about THC than most hackers, tbh.
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