I don’t like Simu, and am uneasy with some kinds of ‘cultural appropriation’ claims BUT
I don’t like Simu, and am uneasy with some kinds of ‘cultural appropriation’ claims BUT
Taking a well known thing and saying you’re making it ‘healthier and better’ and then claiming you invented it is
A well worn script (people do this with everything ‘Chinese’ all the time)
br00t4c (@[email protected])
People remain angry after 'Dragons' Den' judge apologizes, pulls investment from Canadian bubble tea business #canadian #people https://nowtoronto.com/news/people-remain-angry-after-dragons-den-judge-apologizes-pulls-investment-from-canadian-bubble-tea-business/
Mastodon (mastodon.social)
Carrie Shanafeltreplied to Adrianna Tan last edited by
@skinnylatte There was an NYC chain that was doing this--Chinese food but not so "oily and greasy and full of sodium and MSG," yadda yadda. Big red flags. The surprise was that it was started by Chinese immigrants, but ones who went to Columbia and found out how to market Chinese food to white people.
Adrianna Tanreplied to Carrie Shanafelt last edited by
@carrideen oh there was another one in nyc that caused a huge kerfuffle (not run by Chinese people) that was basically just about insulting Chinese food and saying they were making it better
Some people went out of curiosity and said ‘they don’t even know how to make rice’
Anyway they didn’t last very long
berserk du soleilreplied to Adrianna Tan last edited by
@skinnylatte I also felt uncomfortable with how these two entrepreneurs clearly were not confident English speakers! The producers really set them up for this, including bringing Simu in especially for this episode. Their idea is so bad and this could have been a fruitful discussion instead of a spectacle
Adrianna Tanreplied to berserk du soleil last edited by
@aetataureate yeah the whole thing is a mess.
If they wanted to set up some drama they did a great job
@skinnylatte is not liking Simu just your personal sense, incompatibility with his persona… or does he have weird/bad politics, misogyny, and/or worse stuff going on?