New post!
New post!
After a over a year of slowly messing around and calling favors, I have to get a TOSLINK (yes, the HiFi audio standard) link to go 14600 times further than the spec sheets suggests!
And learned a whole load of how modern optical stuff works along the way!
Building Ultra Long Range TOSLINK
@benjojo I like how you expand TOSLINK as Toshiba Link but not S/PDIF as Sony/Philips Digital Interface
Too many companies involved here :drgn_3c:
@benjojo so I assume you’ve seen the boxes on aliexpress that do USB/HDMI/other stuff over fiber? There’s apparently a whole market for weird signals over optics! (and given price I am almost certain they are up to the very same shenanigans you are up to, using Ethernet optics to pull it off cheaply)
@qwertyoruiop Yup! Though a lot of those units are fixed (IE, not SFP/QSFP) lasers. HDMI is pretty easy, USB needs some kind of muxing I bet, DisplayPort and friends could totally just be plumbed into a QSFP
@benjojo @qwertyoruiop USB 3 is quite easy (though you’ll want a QSFP if you have 2xTx 2xRx lanes as per a fully specced USB-C port)
USB2 is a nightmare but ofc. specialised chips exist. Though surprisingly(?) USB2 has some obnoxious timeouts that mean you’ve gotta do some protocol-aware-MITM to extend it more than 100m or so