I am proud to announce I am a North Korean officer deployed to Kursk and I look forward to the many gigabytes of pornography I will access with my lifetime-first newfound access to unfiltered internet, and the other many challenges of this role
I am proud to announce I am a North Korean officer deployed to Kursk and I look forward to the many gigabytes of pornography I will access with my lifetime-first newfound access to unfiltered internet, and the other many challenges of this role
@liamvhogan that fap, fap, fap sound you hear is not gunfire in the distance
‘Colonel Kim, here is your new Russian SIM phone! We have pre-installed it with maps of your sector, GLONASS checkpoints, phone numbers for brigade and division headqu… fucken hell man can that wait a bit, I’m briefing you’
@liamvhogan In before Ukrainian offensive cyber teams hone Hangeul skills for targeted location compromise followed by Benny Hill montage of North Korean soldiers, smartphone in one hand, pants down shuffle running away from the drone overhead.
@liamvhogan @MarkAsser it’s great the DPRK military get to experience life for every western soldier in an Afghanistan FOB circa 2007.
@Kels_316 @MarkAsser for a rather shorter time, I think
@liamvhogan @MarkAsser one would hope.
@liamvhogan @Kels_316 @MarkAsser Message from the Bakhmut Dugout Portaloo https://youtube.com/watch?v=Za6o4L_-dWg&t=7m9s