‘Explain it to a rubber duck’, is a piece of advice that I understand computer people use to break down complex problems, which is a cargo-cult version of a writer working with an editor, who unlike the duck, can respond and give good advice
@daedalus @liamvhogan my argument against minimums is that we are supposed to be teaching kids to be concise, accurate and persuasive in their arguments and then we tell them "needs to be longer"
Deborah Pickettreplied to Liam :fnord: last edited by
@liamvhogan @Kels_316 @daedalus Thinking out loud here. Is there utility in LLM summaries as a kind of measure of entropy, to give the writer an idea of how overpadded their writing is?
@futzle @liamvhogan @Kels_316 that's one use case I've seen described, and yeah, I think it could be useful for writers who care about such things. Like a linter for your writing, similar to spelling and grammar checkers. You can ignore them whenever you want, if you want to break 'rules' on purpose.
@Kels_316 @daedalus @liamvhogan "minima" is more concise and more correct than "minimums"...
@kauer @daedalus @liamvhogan one thing I cannot abide is Latin plurals. Drives me mad.
@liamvhogan @jackeric with the right people, it's pretty fun
Thermite Be Giantsreplied to Liam :fnord: last edited by
@liamvhogan @jackeric pair programming where there’s any sort of power differential (ie manager-managed, senior-junior) is indistinguishable from micromanagement
@liamvhogan not cargo cult; nobody thinks the duck will answer or has any powers.
@Kels_316 @daedalus @liamvhogan What's your position on "phenomena"?
That one's from Greek AND Latin
@kauer @Kels_316 @daedalus @liamvhogan
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