Some observations: prefab housing will not save us because it’s the land value that’s the determiner of price, regulation doesn’t really inhibit innovation in housing so much as the land value (which determines prices), and in fact Australian housing is incredibly productive in one important area: a constantly increasing land value (which determines housing price)
A counterpoint
We exist in this liminal state when we still, children of Thatcher, assume that if there’s a failure of pricing somewhere then it must be State regulation that’s the dam, and if we just broke it then the prices would flow. But we are post-Thatcher, and prices are determined by power, and in housing specifically that’s a fairly large group of people who own housing wealth and vote accordingly.
Gracchus ☕️🏴☠️🇺🇳🇺🇦replied to Liam :fnord: last edited by
@liamvhogan always worry when I hear clear away the redtape, they did this in the UK which led to the Grenfell tower fire.
Anyway. If you accept that one of the biggest non-land inputs to the Australian housing price is building materials and availability of them, you’re going to fucking love the prospect of a US-China tariff war, just the best shit ever
Tired: reopening Third Mile Island to cope with the power demands of AI
Wired: reopening Witenoom to cope with an Australian fibreboard and cladding shortage
@liamvhogan going to make the COVID-related price spike in building materials and the associated building company bankruptcies look like a normal year
@liamvhogan castles in the sky, you’re hearing it more and more