It is an underrated creepy trivia fact that the republicans launched their 2024 election campaign in Waco, Texas, and is yet one more proof point that the Weird Violent 90s have never really ended
@Kels_316 @NewtonMark imagine explaining to David Koresh what the legacy of the Branch Davidians would be
@liamvhogan I am, in all honesty, just trying to get through this election season without me or the kids getting shot at
we did not achieve this in 2020 and I'm still pretty upset about that
@sarae that is terrible WTF dude
@liamvhogan @NewtonMark I'm still not recovered from that BBC podcast about the brits who went to Waco.
The thing that gets me about the American Right’s ideology of owning weapons, that they supposedly act as a physical deterrent to government, is that the United States has an extraordinary history of successfully, repeatedly, putting down domestic insurgencies. The very organised USA always wins, and the plucky social bandits get to live on after their inevitable deaths in romantic myth. There is not a State on the planet with more experience in doing this, again and again and again
@liamvhogan the Mike Tyson edict applies: everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.
@Kels_316 it isn’t even a good plan to begin with! ‘If we lose the election I’ll bet we can escalate in violence wider and farther than the United States government’. There’s three centuries of ghosts saying, your odds suck, I’ll bet you can’t
@Kels_316 @liamvhogan "How many IEDs do you own?", that's the line that separates the serious 2nd amendment types from the dilettantes
@liamvhogan the bet isn't they can out-gun the US govt, the bet is the US military will be on their side.
@neoluddite @liamvhogan these days it might be "how capable are your FPV crews?"
@Kels_316 once again, a lot of ghosts around saying, ‘bet they won’t be’
@liamvhogan oh 100%, but this isn't a movement of people who read their own history, or understand things.
@Kels_316 ‘the people will recognise us as freedom fighters and welcome us as liberators’ is not a strategy, son
@Kels_316 @neoluddite ‘what’s your external superpower funding your economy, to pay your wages when everyone loses their jobs?’ ‘No Soviet Union, huh’
@liamvhogan @Kels_316 String Jeff Bezos up by his ankles and beat him with sticks like a piñata? You could probably fund a couple of revolutions with the spare change that falls out.
Who would win, small poorly socialised groups of unfit men with rifles and a nebulous strategy, or the government that can field this bad boy, not even at the highest step of the violence-escalation chain
Moto :rainbowinfinity:replied to Liam :fnord: last edited by
@liamvhogan @drwho The BK fries were weird. And the Pizza Inn pizzas were little microwaved things.
But we had ‘em.
In Saudi Arabia, living in tents, we had friggin American fast food on hand at all times.