Please suggest good way to setup
I want to host a nodebb forum. Also would like to have a local installation to tinker with the codebase.
- hosting / server
What is a good way to host?
Intending to go with postgres. Is there and cons (and pros?) compared to mongo?
Should I go for dockerized / serverless hosting or the old style VM approach? How is the support for serverless installation?
- local setup
Again thinking to go with postgres, is there any (de)merit compared to mongo?
Any good practices to consider for local development? I was suggested podman to use for local development. Is it worth using?
according to their documentation nodebb only supports mongodb or redis.
nodebb is easy enough without docker, just need nodejs and the db, and use the cli
./nodebb start
./nodebb stop
etc.i use a oneshot systemd service to start it at boot:
[Unit] nodebb After=mongod.service [Service] User=mppc Group=mppc WorkingDirectory=/srv/mppc/forum/ Type=oneshot ExecStart=/srv/mppc/forum/nodebb start RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStop=/srv/mppc/forum/nodebb stop [Install]