Hello, I want to get all the posts from a Topic
I'm using I wrote this to get all the posts from a Topic...
const topicData = { posts: posts.posts, category: topic[0].cid, cid: topic[0].cid, tid: topic[0].tid, mainPid: topic[0].mainPid, }; const topicWithPosts = await Topic.getTopicWithPosts( topicData, undefined, posts.uid );
But i'm getting this...
{ posts: [], category: { bgColor: '#fda34b', cid: 1, class: 'col-md-3 col-xs-6', color: '#fff', description: 'Announcements regarding our community', descriptionParsed: '<p>Announcements regarding our community</p>\n', disabled: 0, icon: 'fa-bullhorn', imageClass: 'cover', isSection: 0, link: '', name: 'Announcements', numRecentReplies: 1, order: 1, parentCid: 0, post_count: 30, slug: '1/announcements', topic_count: 4, minTags: 0, maxTags: 5, totalPostCount: 30, totalTopicCount: 4 }, cid: 1, tid: 6, mainPid: 37, tags: [], tagWhitelist: [], minTags: 0, maxTags: 5, thread_tools: [], isFollowing: false, isNotFollowing: true, isIgnoring: false, bookmark: null, postSharing: [], deleter: null, merger: null, related: [], unreplied: false, icons: [] }
I just want to get all the posts from that topic when a person clics to see the replies from a post. Nodebb gives me the replies from that specific post, but I want to get all the posts from that specific topic.
You can see that the posts array are empty. For your information, i'm using filter:post.getPosts hook and
const topic = await Topic.getTopicsByTids([posts.posts[0].tid], posts.uid) method before the Topic.getTopicWithPosts() method to get the topic info I needed to pass in.Thanks.
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