topics.tpl Missing in Extend - Widget Section
My site is on Persona Theme (the default theme).
Here at Extend - Widgets, I could only see
global and groups/details.tpl
However, the thread at .....there are Categories.tpl, category.tpl, topics.tpl
How can I get the topic.tpl in the widgets section.
Actually ...I would like to have
Suggested Topics at the end of the post
Recent Topics in the home page (header area). Installed the recent cards plugin and activated it only to get Internal Server Error . How should I get the recent Topics?
Please do guide me.
Atlast after deactivating and then reactivating the theme ...the topic.tpl appeared in the widget section.
Is there any quick fix to get the title "suggested topics" or any custom title for the topics?
I dragged the jumbotron into the container option ...and thus could get the box for the 8 topics but the title is still missing.
The Recent topics issue is still pending to be resolved.
Any help?
@baris Entered the title in the input box but didn't work.
Just copied the html code in the container (as specified in your image) ...and it worked out.
After going through the code ...i came to know that
<div class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">{{title}}</h3></div>
was missing in that ....thus there was no title.
BTW ... Is there any fix for the Recent Topics issue?