Stripe subscription plugin
I am the developer of the Stripe Subscription Plugin. I designed it to model the Paypal Plugin, and it works by limiting access to groups, that therefore limit access to individual threads. It sounds like you want to restrict access to the entire site through a paywall and I believe this would require a different permissions approach than the groups model that the stripe plugin currently uses. For specifics you might want to directly ask the NodeBB developement Team.
Ed -
Hi @ajay, I haven't installed the plugin myself but browsing through the code I see that there should be a button on your user profile page to cancel subscriptions:
@psychobunny Thanks a lot. I guess the buy button will change to cancel once the user buys the subscription.
Also, I wanted to know if there is a way to kick a user out of the group if he cancels his subscription? I don't know what happens once the user cancels it.
Sorry if it is not related to the thread.