Move installed plugins from development to production environment
What is the most proper way to move developed plugins from development to production environment?
Publish to npm
Thank you for response!)
But what if my plugin is very project relative and shouldn't be publicly published?
I was thinking about to exclude plugin folder in.gitignore
...Also is there any special tool for exporting NodeBB settings? Or I should do just regular mongodb dump?
If it's a private plugin, you can just copy the plugin folder into your node_modules folder under NodeBB, but the plugin folder has to be named like nodebb-plugin-*
There's also the option of using a private npm repo, but there's not an option to choose repos in the core NodeBB system right now
I think I'll go the way of placing plugin into node_modules folder, excluding it from
and committing it.Thank you again!
You won't need to put it in the .gitignore as the node_modules folder should already be excluded
I mean exclude from excluding the plugin folder