I need to remove the bump topic of the recent page
When write in the topic, it rises to the top.
It is necessary to disable.Please, help.
You can modify core to do it.
Change this code https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/blob/master/src/topics/posts.js#L19-L31
Topics.onNewPostMade = function(postData, callback) { async.parallel([ function(next) { Topics.increasePostCount(postData.tid, next); }, function(next) { Topics.setTopicField(postData.tid, 'lastposttime', postData.timestamp, next); }, function(next) { Topics.addPostToTopic(postData.tid, postData.pid, postData.timestamp, 0, next); } ], callback); };
Then new replies wont bump the topic in /recent
Right you would need to add a
Topics.updateRecent(tid, timestamp, callback);
call into Topics.create() function so that topics are initialy added to /recent.Change the following code in Topics.create()
NodeBB/src/topics/create.js at master · NodeBB/NodeBB
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web - NodeBB/src/topics/create.js at master · NodeBB/NodeBB
GitHub (github.com)
db.sortedSetsAdd([ 'topics:tid', 'topics:recent', 'cid:' + topicData.cid + ':tids', 'cid:' + topicData.cid + ':uid:' + topicData.uid + ':tids' ], timestamp, topicData.tid, next);
I found a partial solution.
I replaced (src/topics/recent.js):
Topics.updateRecent = function(tid, timestamp, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; db.sortedSetAdd('topics:recent', timestamp, tid, callback); };
on -
Topics.updateRecent = function(tid, timestamp, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; db.sortedSetAdd('topics:tid', timestamp, tid, callback); };
Now, posts do not raise the topics. BUT... when creating new topics they do not appear in the list.
replied to <baris> on last edited by
@baris said:
Right you would need to add a
Topics.updateRecent(tid, timestamp, callback);
call into Topics.create() function so that topics are initialy added to /recent.Change the following code in Topics.create()
NodeBB/src/topics/create.js at master · NodeBB/NodeBB
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web - NodeBB/src/topics/create.js at master · NodeBB/NodeBB
GitHub (github.com)
db.sortedSetsAdd([ 'topics:tid', 'topics:recent', 'cid:' + topicData.cid + ':tids', 'cid:' + topicData.cid + ':uid:' + topicData.uid + ':tids' ], timestamp, topicData.tid, next);
lol, everything was working when I replaced:
'topics:tid', 'topics:recent',
'topics:recent', 'topics:tid',
Thank you.