Changing User Default Settings
Hey all,
Does any one know how to set the user default settings.
I'm running the forum as part of something else which generates external links for people to share so need the 'Open link in new tab' the default, I was supprised it's not already default as standard.
Yer I think your right here, I've done a hack for now but knowing quite well that will get over written on the next upgrade.
And even tho this would normally be a minor concern for normal links, links to a another app on the site really need to be in a seperate tab.
So I've had to hack that as well, so I need to get my head around writting some plug-ins and how they all work, I want to fork this one [nodebb-plugin-outside] and see what I can do with it as I think this would serve my purpose but I don't think it's working at the moment.
Do you know if anyone has had any luck with getting any of the debuggers working?
I learn faster by seeing what's going on under the hood.