Socket io issue?
@julian said:
@Normando Give the latest commits a go
Socket.IO 1.0 is merged in, undergoing testing at the moment.
Can I merge in my 0.5.5 these commits for testing?
set path on server 路 NodeBB/NodeBB@d544b19
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web - set path on server 路 NodeBB/NodeBB@d544b19
GitHub (
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into socket.io1.x 路 NodeBB/NodeBB@647b15c
Node.js based forum software built for the modern web - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into socket.io1.x 路 NodeBB/NodeBB@647b15c
GitHub (
@Normando You should stick to letting git handle the changes. No need to modify any files on your own.
If you're on master branch, a
git pull
followed by anpm install
and./nodebb upgrade
should do it. As always, back up your NodeBB database first.
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