Any Android and iOS benchmarks for NodeBB?
Has anyone run any benchmarks for NodeBB on iOS and Android devices?
For the past year, poor Android performance has been a pain point for Discourse & Ember.js:
The bug in question appears to affect several JavaScript applications (Angular-based ones as well for instance), therefore I was curious to know if any similar findings have been made with NodeBB.
The good news is that they appear to be making some headway on the issue.
I am not sure how much this effects us I don't see any particular slowness when going into and going back to category view or recent.
Don't think we have run any benchmarks on iOS or Android? Would be nice to do
There's a rendering issue currently on mobile in the latest build. But the next version of our templating engine will include web worker support, hopefully making things even faster
I used to have some benchmarks a while ago, I'll see if I can dig them up
yup. Posting a fix for that when I get a chance: