Strange bug with theme
I just have installed nodebb and trying to modify theme.
I found strange bug that makes modifying of theme useless.
Here is step by step explanation on how to obtain it:- fresh install (theme vanilla)
- At Admin panel - write "Site title" and checkbox "Show Title in Header" and press save button.
- Chose bootstrap theme at Admin - themes/skins
- Edit homo.tpl of vanilla theme - copy/past from classic theme to obtain "list design" of categories.
- restart NodeBB.
What's happening next:
- click on breadcrumb "home" - you will get default rectangular categories view and any changes at home.tpl is ignored.
You will get the same result when clicking on Site Title link (site title - NodeBB by default). After page reloading everything
becomes normally - I can see my custom design. - trying to chose any category on home page - goes inside it - the same thins - I see default design and after page refreshing it becomes custom.
What you advise to do?
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