Boosting fediverse posts into a local category
Yes! You can do this already, actually. It's a bit of a hidden feature because I only added it fairly recently.
Remote content when retrieved by NodeBB are automatically slotted into topics as best as we can contextualize them. These topics are stored in a pseudo-category called "Uncategorized" (more information about that pseudo category in our docs.)
You can't browse to cid
directly, but the closest you can get is:- going to
, which is a cross-section of that cid from users you follow, or - going to
, which shows a reverse chronological list of topics
When as an admin you use the topic tools to move those topics into an actual category, NodeBB will federate out an
, which is what you called a "boost". The original topic author will be notified of the announce, and it will show up on their end as a "boost"/"reblog"/etc. - going to
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