@baris thanks, that is exactly what I looked for:
var userProvidedCatIds = widget.data.catIds;
if (!userProvidedCatIds || userProvidedCatIds === '0') {
categories.getCategoriesByPrivilege('cid:0:children', widget.uid, 'find', render);
} else {
categories.getCategories(userProvidedCatIds.split(',').map(Number), widget.uid, render);
function render(err, data) {
app.render('categories.tpl', {
categories: data,
relative_path: nconf.get('relative_path')
}, function (err, html) {
widget.html = html;
callback(err, html);
Is there any doc-site / rtfm for the JS-API or do we have to look at the source to find appropriate methods and their parameters?