Rebuilding the index fixed it!
Search function not working -
Search function not workingIt seems that the search plugin may not be compatible with the v1.18.4
Does anyone else have this issue?
All searches are currently yielding 0 results.
[nodebb-plugin-reputation-rules] Reputation Rules Plugin for NodeBB@thebronx I like the feature. It does make sense. I would personally like to be able to manage the percentage. Everything else looks good to me as it is.
[nodebb-plugin-reputation-rules] Reputation Rules Plugin for NodeBBIs this message generated from the Reputation Rules plugin? I can't find where to edit this setting.
Is the PICTURE button outdated in the EDITOR MENU?@gotwf said
[The icons] could perhaps use better mouse hover labels?
I've noted for quite some time that PICTURE doesn't accurately describe that button's function. I offer DISPLAY WEB IMAGE as more meaningful.
Is the PICTURE button outdated in the EDITOR MENU?Thanks for all the feedback. It seems that the main issue for me was "that domain probably doesn't allow cors", whatever cors are. It just so happened that the very first online image I tried to display didn't work, so I wrongly assumed that the feature didn't function at all.
Is the PICTURE button outdated in the EDITOR MENU?I clicked the PICTURE button in the POST EDITOR menu, but nothing appears? I get the same result on my own forum.
However, if I simply paste the link raw into the post the image displays just fine. the PICTURE button is outdated?
Notification of rewardsCurrently we can send alerts from the reward generator, which is very useful. Most often these alerts accompany rewards of reputation or group membership.
My request is for an option to send a notification as well. Alerts are great but notifications persist and can be referenced.
[nodebb-plugin-reputation-rules] Reputation Rules Plugin for NodeBB@thebronx I experienced some difficulties receiving v1.2.3 but it is now installed. I tested it using a dummy account and I really appreciate the higher level of communication that this version provides. I know the users will also.
What is NodeBB's privacy policy?The intro to the policy says "This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by NodeBB."
Does that mean it applies to the end users of the NodeBB forums?
Minimum reputation setting for categories -
How to add users to groups in Bulk@phenomlab It threw no errors during installation : )
How to add users to groups in Bulk@dunlix Ok, I see your example and I tried it myself now. The use of * to add members to a group is interesting. From what I see, it throws up a random list of 24 users. This is a solid solution to "How to add users to groups in Bulk". Personally, I was looking for a solution that supported intentional selection of a large group (700+) of users selected by specific criteria.
How to add users to groups in Bulk@phenomlab Unfortunately, I think that plugin is long dead. Good eye though.
How to add users to groups in Bulk@phenomlab I tried out this plugin but I can't find any interface for it. The github pages does not exist. Were you able to use it successfully? If yes, how does it operate?
How to add users to groups in Bulk -
How to add users to groups in Bulk@art-deineka I am also wondering how to add add users to groups en masse.
Minimum reputation setting for categoriesThe question then becomes, how do I grandfather thousands of users into the group, based on their reputation or number of posts? The reward system will automatically take care of new arrivals, but that does me little good without including those who've earned their reward months and years ago.
Minimum reputation setting for categoriesI see now how reputation can be used as a means for determining access to particular categories. It exists.
- Create a group
- Create a reward that will add users to the group when they achieve a certain level of reputation
- Limit the privileges of the category to the group