I am using it for my company's community forum on investing, in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.
Pretty happy with it so far..!
I am using it for my company's community forum on investing, in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.
Pretty happy with it so far..!
@christian-mendieta You can add a custom nav link. In your admin panel, Go to General->Navigation and you can add a custom route. And download a plugin called static pages, where you can add your stuff and link it with your new Nav bar item.
Hi everyone,
We are trying to implement restricted access to unregistered users.
When the users navigate to a new topic, they should be able to see a few posts but when they scroll down, the access should be locked for logged in users only.
Something like this.
Is there any plugin which allows me to do this?
Thanks @julian
Hey guys, this might have already been discussed. I am looking for a way to host users with different languages in the same forum, I realise that the template can be altered to support multiple languages, but when users start posting content, there will be different languages mixed in one homepage, recent articles, EDMs etc, which is not a good experience. Is there any way to tackle this?
Is there any plugin which shows NodeBB posts in an infinte scroll? Like FB news feed?
Reason I ask is, many people these days are used to the infinite scroll experiences. FB, Instagram, Pinterest, Quora etc. Where as the community forums haven't really evolved from that inceptive experience of message boards of folder like structure, which kickstarted the internet communication. Anyone else feel the same way? Happy to discuss further and get people's opinions on this.
Disclosure: I run an investing forum for the P2P company I work for, based in singapore. https://crowdfundtalks.com/