posts as she pleases, follows who she pleases, favorites if she pleases
alt is
welcomes interaction — including comments, boosts, & follows — except where noted otherwise. blocks instances with inadequate moderation
writes, reads fanfic, plays tabletop & video games, watches anime, & boosts her own 3-month-old posts for fun
changes her bio sometimes. accepts that change is the truest constant
born before 2000. sometimes posts content unsuitable for minors; provides content warnings for such posts
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goes by she/her
wishes for a theme song
feels LGBT+ pride
may be ND & median
queers the gender binary
oscillates between butch & femme
has a sex-positive attitude
lacks enthusiasm for the act itself
likes women
adores women, really
advocates justice & questions authority
values folks over hierarchies
seeks answers to metaphysical questions
deeply hopes a benevolent god exists
avoids eating meat where possible
loves various purple hues