Hey everyone,
I've installed nodeBB on a virtual machine on Google Cloud Platform. My config file is:
"url": "http://google_external_ip:4567",
"secret": "xxx",
"database": "mongo",
"mongo": {
"host": "google_internal_ip",
"port": "27017",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"database": "nodebb"
./nodebb dev has no errors
./nodebb start works, and ./nodebb log says the server is listening
The only warnings i get are:
10/9 14:44 [14936] - warn: You have no mongo password setup!
warn: [socket.io] Clustering detected, you are advised to configure Redis as a websocket store.
I'm not using redis, so I don't think the warnings above are an issue. The installation completed successfully, and nodebb created its collections in the mongodb database.
I've tried multiple restarts of nodeBB, trying with google's external IP, internal IP, localhost and (mongodb only works with the internal IP), also with bind_address set to each of the above.
Still, I can't access http://external_ip:4567, it just gives a timeout.
Firewall rules are set to allow port 4567 both tcp and udp. I'm also running a nodejs server and nginx restarts it whenever it's down/reboot. I'm forwarding all requests from port 80 to port 8000(node.js's port). I can access my angular application @ http://google_external_ip/
I've also tried disabling and stopping node.js and nginx, but I still can't access nodebb.
Any ideas on how to debug this?