@retipster A group restricted feed is a common request and makes sense to most people however at this stage there is currently no way to do this unfortunately. Maybe one day a generous individual will donate their time / money to make this a reality and pass it on to others.
Trying to understand the fundamental purpose of Groups -
Threading@julian This is definitely a common request and one that I've certainly been waiting for. Hopefully, one day someone can help develop a freely available solution for this.
Allow notifications when a post is editedThanks. That's awesome that you put that in so quickly!
Allow notifications when a post is edited+1 for this
Whats the easiest way to limit the group posts to only show the posts for that specific group?This feature is something I've always wanted too...
How can I login by using LDAP?I finally got around to publishing nodebb-plugin-node-ldap on npm so it should be available in the plugins menu now in the ACP
Node LDAP Login. Latest version: 1.0.1, last published: 5 years ago. Start using nodebb-plugin-node-ldap in your project by running `npm i nodebb-plugin-node-ldap`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using nodebb-plugin-node-ldap.
npm (www.npmjs.com)
[Bounty of $500] Wiki plugin -
Any code format plugin?Awesome. Legend. Thanks for that!
Any code format plugin?Hmm. I tried pasting your script (without the script tags) into:
ACP -> Appearance -> Custom HTML & CSS -> Custom Javascriptand I got the following result:
Not usable, but a clue...
Any code format plugin?This doesn't work for me (NodeBB v1.12.1). My plugins as below. Any ideas?
nodebb-plugin-composer-default Default composer for NodeBB Installed 6.2.11 | Latest 6.2.11 For more information: https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-plugin-composer-default#readme nodebb-plugin-dbsearch A Plugin that lets users search posts and topics Installed 3.0.6 | Latest 3.0.6 For more information: https://github.com/barisusakli/nodebb-plugin-dbsearch#readme nodebb-plugin-emoji Adds extensible emoji functionality to NodeBB Installed 2.2.6 | Latest 3.2.0 For more information: https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-plugin-emoji#readme nodebb-plugin-emoji-android The Android blob emoji-set for NodeBB (requires nodebb-plugin-emoji) Installed 2.0.0 | Latest 2.0.0 For more information: https://github.com/NodeBB-Community/nodebb-plugin-emoji-android#readme nodebb-plugin-extended-markdown A NodeBB plugin to add some bb code, as tooltip, anchor, custom text header with background, etc. Installed 1.4.0 | Latest 1.4.0 For more information: https://github.com/MinecraftForgeFrance/nodebb-plugin-extended-markdown#readme nodebb-plugin-forms NodeBB plugin for form management Installed 0.0.1 | Latest 0.0.1 For more information: https://github.com/NodeBB-Community/nodebb-plugin-forms nodebb-plugin-markdown A Markdown parser for NodeBB Installed 8.9.2 | Latest 8.9.2 For more information: https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-markdown#readme nodebb-plugin-mentions NodeBB Plugin that allows users to mention other users by prepending an '@' sign to their username Installed 2.5.2 | Latest 2.5.2 For more information: https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-mentions#readme nodebb-plugin-node-ldap Node LDAP Login Installed 1.0.0 | Latest 1.0.0 For more information: https://github.com/ink-blot/nodebb-plugin-node-ldap nodebb-plugin-session-sharing Allows login sessions from your app to persist in NodeBB Installed 4.6.2 | Latest 4.6.2 For more information: https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-session-sharing#readme nodebb-plugin-soundpack-default Default Sound Pack Installed 1.0.0 | Latest 1.0.0 For more information: https://github.com/julianlam/nodebb-plugin-soundpack-default nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone anti spam using both Google Recaptcha, Akismet.com, StopForumSpam.com & ProjectHoneyPot.com Installed 0.6.1 | Latest 0.6.1 For more information: https://github.com/akhoury/nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone#readme nodebb-rewards-essentials Essential Rewards Starter Pack for NodeBB Installed 0.0.13 | Latest 0.0.13 For more information: https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-rewards-essentials nodebb-theme-lavender Lavender Theme for NodeBB Installed 5.0.9 | Latest 5.0.9 For more information: https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-theme-lavender#readme nodebb-theme-persona Persona theme for NodeBB Installed 9.1.29 | Latest 9.1.29 For more information: https://github.com/psychobunny/nodebb-theme-persona#readme nodebb-theme-slick Slick theme for NodeBB Installed 1.2.23 | Latest 1.2.23 For more information: https://github.com/pichalite/nodebb-theme-slick#readme nodebb-theme-vanilla Vanilla theme for NodeBB Installed 10.1.25 | Latest 10.1.25 For more information: https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-theme-vanilla#readme nodebb-widget-essentials NodeBB Essential Widgets Installed 4.0.17 | Latest 4.0.17 For more information: https://github.com/psychobunny/nodebb-widget-essentials#readme
How can I login by using LDAP?@KebenSun I modified nodebb-plugin-office-ldap to work with our OpenLDAP server. The code is still a bit rough around the edges....but it works well so far and it's quite configurable. Might be worth a shot for you. Here's the github page:
GitHub - ink-blot/nodebb-plugin-node-ldap: Log in to NodeBB using credentials stored in an OpenLDAP server.
Log in to NodeBB using credentials stored in an OpenLDAP server. - ink-blot/nodebb-plugin-node-ldap
GitHub (github.com)
Can't increase maximum post length above 32767 charactersIt saves the new value in the ACP just fine and refreshing the page still displays the new value in the ACP. However the old value is displayed in the error message i get when trying to make a (rejected) post.
Additional info: What I'm trying to post (in a code block) has 108710 characters
Can't increase maximum post length above 32767 charactersI try and change it in the ACP (Settings>Post>Maximum Post Length) but still get the warning.
NodeBB v1.12.0
Disable ACP auto-logout?@baris Thanks!
Settings ->User->Account Protection->Admin relogin duration (minutes)->0
Disable ACP auto-logout?Is it possible?
I'm testing an LDAP plugin and the automatic ACP logout after a few minutes is making life difficult.
Avoid access to the upload files by url without login and rightsThe short answer is no.
Recently discussed here.
Group level permissions for uploaded files?Ah well. I guess we can assume that this isn't a problem for most. I'm going to stick with NodeBB for public facing posts (It is a forum after all).
For sharing sensitive data I'm going to use other more secure platforms (Nextcloud).
Good luck!
Clicking on resized images to view full-sized images??Ugh. I spoke too soon. If I refresh the page, the href tag disappears!
That's really weird.....
I upgraded to v1.12.0 and the problem disappeared (and none of my plugins broke either).
Let us never speak of this again...
Clicking on resized images to view full-sized images??I found a solution to this problem (which was driving me crazy) but still don't know what actually causes the problem.
I inspected the html for the posts where I couldn't click on the images to expand them:
<div class="content" component="post/content" itemprop="text"> <p> <img src="/assets/uploads/files/1549051302974-blur_dn_spider_dsc02880.jpg" alt="blur_dn_spider_DSC02880.jpg" class="img-responsive img-markdown"> </p> </div>
If I edit the post (tools>edit) in NodeBB and save the post and re-inspect the html it looks like this:
<div class="content" component="post/content" itemprop="text" style=""> <p> <a href="/assets/uploads/files/1549051302974-blur_dn_spider_dsc02880.jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="/assets/uploads/files/1549051302974-blur_dn_spider_dsc02880.jpg" alt="blur_dn_spider_DSC02880.jpg" class="img-responsive img-markdown"> </a> </p> </div>
So now a href tag is being added and everything works as expected.
Strange! Oh well. At least I have a fix of sorts.