I just tried it with Firefox on macOS again and it works as intended.
I'm curious what went wrong in the beginning, but I guess I will never find out...
I declare this issue solved.
Thank you people for the support and have some nice holidays.
I just tried it with Firefox on macOS again and it works as intended.
I'm curious what went wrong in the beginning, but I guess I will never find out...
I declare this issue solved.
Thank you people for the support and have some nice holidays.
Thank you for the hint.
The nginx config has no tailing / in the proxy_pass entry. So, it seems ok.
I just tried to reproduce the problem on a different machine. Works as intended.
Firefox on Windows -> ok
Safari on iOS -> ok
Firefox on macOS -> fail
I guess, I need to do further tinkering.
Up to now the URL was set to "https://forum.site.de" and produced no problems.
I tried "/" and "". The described problem stays. The only effect is, socket.io can't connect.
So it seems my original setting can't be that wrong.
Hi everybody,
I noticed a strange behaviour of my NodeBB installation.
When I submit the login form with valid credentials, I get redirected to the doubled base url.
It looks like "https://forum.site.de/https://forum.site.de".
I browsed the settings, but couldn't find any option that might fix the issue.
The behaviour occurs with NodeBB 1.11.1 and 1.11.0
Any hint for solving the problem would be much appreciated.
Thanks for your help.
I have two questions regarding the maintenance mode.
Thanks for your insights.
I just tried out 1.4.2 on my docker image. The result: No Google fonts error and it starts up.
So, whatever caused the problem is gone in 1.4.2. Very nice.
I haven't had much time for further inverstigations about the problem, but I have at leas some details to share.
It seems that the failing call to "googleapis" and the failing of nodeBB startup are not connected. When I start up my Docker image with 1.2.1 I get the same error about "googleapis" but nodeBB starts.
On the images with 1.3.0 and 1.4.0 I did a netstat and it tells me that there is nothing listening on port 4567 while ps tells me that node processes are running. Starting and stopping nodeBB changes the number of node processes, so there is happening something. Unfortunately the nodeBB log stays silent.
I didn't try nodeBB 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 yet. May be that will bring up some more hints.
I CURLed from within the container.
It may be that the script within Node has no network access, but I wonder why? I have an image with NodeBB 1.2.1 and that runs smooth as silk.
When I curl the failed URL from the logs , I get css data. Web access works.
Hello everybody.
I am maintaining a docker image with a base NodeBB on it. Using 1.2.1, everything works by using the documented installation path. Since the arrival of NodeBB 1.3.0 I am a stuck with an error I can't get a hold on.
After a successfull completion of the web install wizard, the forum fails to start with the following log:
{"level":"info","message":"initializing NodeBB ...","timestamp":"2016-12-05T20:54:27.648Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Routes added","timestamp":"2016-12-05T20:54:27.869Z"}
[minifier] file not found, node_modules/socket.io-client/socket.io.js
[minifier] file not found, node_modules/socket.io-client/socket.io.js
(node:103) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: Broken @import declaration of "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500,700" - timeout
{"level":"info","message":"[app] Shutdown (SIGTERM/SIGINT) Initialised.","timestamp":"2016-12-05T20:56:34.667Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[app] Database connection closed.","timestamp":"2016-12-05T20:56:34.673Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[app] Web server closed to connections.","timestamp":"2016-12-05T20:56:34.673Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"[app] Shutdown complete.","timestamp":"2016-12-05T20:56:34.674Z"}
[cluster] Child Process (103) has exited (code: 0, signal: null)
No matter what combination of NodeJS 6.x, 7.x and NodeBB 1.3.0, 1.4.0 I use. I get the same error.
The only thing I found on the net about that issue is this:
Since I use a plain install, I don't know which plugin might fail. I even tried to exchange persona for vanilla. No positive effect.
If someone of you wants to replicate the problem, you can find the Dockerfile on GitHub (https://github.com/nilsramsperger/docker-nodebb/tree/dev).
A compiled image can be fetched on DockerHub (nilsramsperger/nodebb:dev).
It would be very nice if someone could give me a hint about what I am missing.