Can someone make a plugin that has a page with a list of game servers. It would have to let us add them in the admin control panel. It would have to say if it was online/offline and how many people are playing on it.
Can someone make a plugin that has a page with a list of game servers. It would have to let us add them in the admin control panel. It would have to say if it was online/offline and how many people are playing on it.
Thats not what I want. I want a dedicated page for images. A page where members can post images and such. Like photopost.
Can someone make a gallery system?
Thank you
Habbo retros are illegal.
Didnt work for me.
Can I upgrade now?
Is it possible to have sub forums?
@julian I did that too
@julian I get an error when I try to install redistogo
heroku addons:add redistogo
the error is something like "No app is specified"
@StuartH Well £ means nothing to me. All we use is $.
@StuartH I'm american
@julian I'm using the shared package on my host. But its Linux, CentOS, and Redhat.
I'm not gonna use NodeBB on a live forum, i just want to test it out. So I won't be spending $5 a month.
@julian I dont have digitalocean.
I am used to using PHP scripts and your installation instructions are sooooo confusing to me. Could anyone walk me step by step?