This is somewhat of a generic question about nodebb architecture since I seem to not understand how this software works at all. I am ancient web developer by today's standards and historically I've used forum software like phpbb where you just edit a file and the change is reflected on the site right away. But here all site content must be stored in a database or something?
For example, when you are posting a new topic there is in small writing "COMPOSE" with a question mark next to it. Clicking that question mark lets you know the forum is powered by markdown (in my case) and a link to the documentation. I want to update that section a bit to show a few examples of the syntax to get people started. How do I do that?
I ran a grep for the specific statement and found it to be in /node_modules/nodebb-plugin-markdown/index.js. Editing that, deactivating and reactivating the plugin, and reloading the board had no effect on the text displayed (even after clearing all browser content and forcing a reload). I also tried to update the footer in a similar manner, to no avail.
Where do I have to edit things so they are reflected on the site?