@rodneylives @foone The body is placed inside a large electromagnet that can generate at least 2 Teslas, and the popons (and antipopons) are drawn out into dielectric containment bottles. These are supersymmetric equivalents to cluons and bogons, composed of doctrinoids in place of the factoids, and heresoids in place of the fallasoids. Theoretically, one could inject additional purified popons into an existing pope to make a superpope.
@rodneylives @foone The body is placed inside a large electromagnet that can generate at least 2 Teslas, and the popons (and antipopons) are drawn out into dielectric containment bottles. -
as an anti-pope, I'm always referring to "the vatican pope", but I'm always nearly mistyping it as "vancian pope"@foone Do they have to be exhumed, or can we skip that part? If the Mormons can retroactively baptize someone, I don't see why not.
Mastodon enforces a "noreferrer" on all external links.Referrer has been abused by megasites to invade user privacy. So that toy had to be taken away. Sorry. Perhaps you could put "?from=ActivityPub" in the URLs you post onto the fediverse?