You hate public video surveillance because you find it creepy.I hate public video surveillance because I didn't sleep in history class and know how trivial it is to use (not abuse, because it's designed for that!) it for facist purposes.We are not the same!#VideoSurveillance #Surveillance #SurveillanceState #WeAreNotTheSame #PoliceState #Facism #Camover
Wenn Leute explizit danach fragen müssen, ob es überhaupt.wo Sitzgelegenheiten gibt, dann beweist das wie dermaßen wenig #disabledAlltag / #BehindertenAlltag bei Planungen und Architektur berücksichtigt wird.
I've made an interesting #observation re: #ChatGPT / #OpenAI... Whilst they got sued by someone and forced to publish their #scraping #bots' #IP addresses, they actively prevent people from using and updating said #blocklist automatically by querying it.I'm pretty shure that this violates their original settlement and that even if I query it hourly instead of once a day that this doesn't impact OpenAI's #uptime or #availability or #traffic at all since as of writing this file merely contains three lines: the downloaded file is 48 Bytes (!!!) small... Meaning me using their website as a ping target is causing way more traffic to them than anything else.IDK what you guys made off this...Personally I'm getting pissed off with wannabe-"#AI" that I'm turning more #hostile against it by the day to the point that I'm considering to point all that traffic towards #Hetzner's 10GB test file just to give both parties a middle finger...#JustSaying... #sarcasm #Enshittification #GPT #Blocklists #Blocklist #NetworkSecurity #ITsec #InfoSec #OpSec #ComSec
Wetten #BSW & #CDU / #CSU finden das auch geil, weil das #Faschismuspaket ging denen auch nicht weit genug?#Unsicherheitspaket #FreiheitStattAngst #Polizeiproblem #Überwachungsstaat
@gunchleoc Böse Zungen würden behaupten dass sowas als Exhaustion Attack zu werten ist, wenn *"#Datenschutzerklärung|en" hinter 2 Klicks und in extrem langatmigen Sätzen geschrieben sind...SO'n bisschen wie MFA Exhaustion Attacks welche eine ganz reale Bedrohung darstellen...