@a_5mith @julian @psychobunny
I had an advancement, but since the price itself was very low the advancement wasn't that much either the current work done on it would be worth more than the final amount.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not that mad about the money, since I considered this more of a "charity" project with a little payment. If I'd be building this for a large, serious party I could probably ask a whole lot more. Because I considered it to be a "charity" project I didn't bother writing up and signing any paper work.
The point of this "review" was more to let other developers be cautious when agreeing to do some paid work for him.
To conclude, yes it's something the community can benefit from. It's a rework/extension on the WebRTC plugin. It'd be possible to create (private or public) rooms (from anywhere in NodeBB) which people could join. It'd support most of the experimental WebRTC stuff like Chrome screensharing etc. It'd also be easily extendible with new WebRTC functions.
Like I said, I'm not worried about the money, it's not like I really need it. I'll just put this project on hold and work on other stuff (poll plugin ;)).