I've created and published a tool for helping to generate new NodeBB plugins. I'd be interested in people's feedback on how well it works and additional functionality. Launching the tool prompts the user about necessary features and then generates a plugin .
The generator can currently help to:
- Correctly create the package.json and plugin.json files with the appropriate default contents
- Create the stub methods and files for a new widget
- Create the stub methods and files for listening to a system hook
- Create the stub methods and files for a custom admin page
- Create the stub methods and files for a custom page
- Register a stub javascript file that will be injected on all NodeBB pages
- Register a stub style template (less/css) that will be injected on all NodeBB pages
- Register a reference to a template folder for overriding system templates
I've tested this out in a variety of ways and it seems to work properly as of NodeBB 0.8.2
You can find the ReadMe with installation instructions here:
Thanks for any feedback!