Gamification is the process of integrating game-like mechanics into services, websites and online communities to motivate user engagement and loyalty. By replicating the interactive and competitive features of games, simple activities and tasks become fun and engaging.
NodeBB’s gamification plugins extends community engagement by motivating users to participate and complete tasks by rewarding them achievements, badges, trophies, points or virtual currency. Users now have an incentive to complete profile tasks (upload profile picture), leave feedback or ask questions. NodeBB's rewards and reputation system is more than just badges, our reputation engine is used to promote good content, grant member abilities and achieve rank among leaderboards. Forum admins can reward positive contributing users new abilities, giving them power to help police your community.
Individual users can react to other users content by valuating their comments a plus or minus 1, which links to user reputation and the community leaderboard. Forum admins are able to grant influential users certain abilities within the community, such as the moderator role (rewarding users a higher valuation (+4, -4) for positive and negative engagement). NodeBB’s ranking system not only creates a competitive incentive to increase user engagement, but to maintain a positive influence among the community.
NodeBB’s gamification abilities extend past rewards and reputation, with several gamifications plugins that gives forum users an RPG like experience: Advanced Dungeon and Rabbits, Minecraft and player vs. player RPG (Battle, attack & steal points from other users).
Advanced Dungeon and Rabbits:
Custom Level Calculator:
Mine craft Integration:
User Points System:
Player Medals:
NodeBB RPS battle RPG:
Cash plugin: