See GitHub for reference,
Wondering if anyone has an idea why the calendar page is accessible when not logged in while using the private forum plugin.
See GitHub for reference,
Wondering if anyone has an idea why the calendar page is accessible when not logged in while using the private forum plugin.
I'm running a private instance for my housing cooperative
@pitaj thank you, somehow I was on en-GB
I did notice that the time on this community instance is also in 24hr, so maybe it's a change in the latest nodebb?
The production instance is on 1.8.0 and the dev is just on the head of main.
how I have done this, I do not know.
I have a production instance up and the time is formatted in 24hr instead of 12. I have a development instance on my laptop which has 12hr format.
Any idea what might be causing my issue? The development instance I changed nothing, the production one of course has a number of plugins which I can share if needed.
@sampo2910 said in [nodebb-plugin-contact-page] A contact form:
Can you just tell me the easiest provider to use and how to setup...i do not need sendgrid as the forum is small...
Am i right in thinking it could be a port set up??
Shouldn't be ports. Where is it hosted, on a VPS? If so the ports shouldn't be a problem.
I use my own self hosted email without issue, starttls etc.
@sampo2910 said in [nodebb-plugin-contact-page] A contact form:
After switching to encypted
So probably the mail library doesn't support the tls version the server is using. But just a guess.
It could be something to do with iCloud. Have you had success with any other email?
@sampo2910 have you tried switching from start tls to encrypted? I looked up iCloud settings and saw TLS was required.
@fais3000 said in NodeBB 1.18.0 docker update:
@maxwaldorf You can try I just used the latest image to update to 1.18.0
Here is my nodebb docker setup.
This is the image I use, although I'm not using Mongo so unsure if it works for you.
@phenomlab my mistake, I'm still on my first coffee
@phenomlab except port 25 is server to server, the plug-in will be connecting as a client over tls or starttls on port 465 or 587. So try one of those.
@sampo2910 is there nothing in the developer console of the browser? Like an error message or anything
For reference, I am using
Currently I have the following persisted to disk:
(which appears to just contain config.json, package.json and uploads/)I'm thinking also:
(for plugins etc)Or maybe none of that is needed, I was just thinking if I had to do a full redeploy from a backup I might have to reinstall plugins and be missing user data like uploads or something.
Just looking for any extra pointers, thanks.
@baris very cool, thanks for the heads up
@nodeham oooh, that's expected. There are no posts in that category. The selector just limits what is listed in that category, and the log in to post button is usually a 'new topic' button except being not logged in you are prompted to do so.
@nodeham that part looks right, my thought was that guests might need to have the permission to 'Search Content' to see 'New Posts'. I assumed you meant the tab 'Recent Posts' and thought that it might be using search behind the scenes.
But again I'm not sure, I run mine with the private instance plugin so guests can't see anything.
@nodeham they should have privileges for viewing categories and topics by default. Maybe you need to allow searching content and/tags for that to work. But I'm just guessing.
Under Admin / Manage / Privileges > Global
@pitaj maybe I was trying the wrong font family then. I tried just 'Font Awesome' and 'Font Awesome 4'.
I'll post the CSS shortly.
@phenomlab now to get it merged