@baris The Jointcrackers community is using NodeBB - https://www.jointcrackers.com/.
Who is using NodeBB? -
Reducing SPAM Posts, But Minimizing False PositivesI did the following and have very little spam issues:
- Use all elements the "Spam Be Gone" plugin offers: Askimet post check, Honeypot registration, Re-Captcha (v2) for registration, Stopformspam post check. All at default settings at the moment
- Disabled "About me" and "Signature" profile elements as the "Spam Be Gone" plugin does not check these
- Beep plugin to censor prohibited words on legitimate posts / topics
So far I have not had to use the post or registration queue. Not popular enough yet I guess, so the "Spam Be Gone" plugin suffices for now. I am very grateful for the anti spam tool-suite, which do work great. I know for a fact we would be riddled with spam without it.
[nodebb-plugin-adsense] Google AdsenseI am still in the process of getting an AdSense account, one odd thing I noticed with plugin version 1.0.4 on Nodebb 1.12.2 is a weird rendering / navigation-to issue with the ACP. Whenever I exit the Google Adsense ACP and re-enter the ACP via navigation the ACP will not render. It will only render after one additional refresh or when I paste the ACP url from the navigation menu manually into the browser bar. It does seem to store settings fine.
I already reinstalled the plugin, re-ordered all plugins to the recommended order and did a rebuild a number of times, with no change. I hope this is just a harmless ACP navigation bug? -
Disable "About me"?As "About me" is mostly abused, I would like to disable "About me". I only found a setting to set maximum length to "0". Did I miss something? In this community I do not see an "about me" section in my profile so there must be a way.
Oh and how can the "website" section in profile edit be disabled? At least there is a nofollow directive on that url.