Hello Fediverse! We are a (very slow) movement of idle idealists, who want to save humanity from overperformance. Please always write our name in correct camel case.#AsSlowAsPossiblePressure to perform is the enemy of happiness and the good life for everybody.Sloth is a virtue.In this society however, being lazy is also a privilege.We demand a universal right to be lazy.Nobody's laziness should create more work for others though. Including machines and "AI".The aim is to consume less and live more.#introduction #NewHere #sloth #deceleration #mindfulness #WorkLifeBalance #SelfCare #chillax #meditation #InnerPeace #EaseOfMind #zen #irony #satire #SpareTime #procrastination #lazyness #burnout #BurnoutPrevention #avolition #anhedonia #degrowth #OverConsumption #consumption