@baris said:
What kind of load does the server have?
Node is consuming 99% of 1 CPU, but I'm the only user navigating the forum.
It's on a test environment, not production.
Mongodb runs better if all indices fit in ram(http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/ensure-indexes-fit-ram/). So make sure your server has enough ram.
24GB of Ram. I think it's enough.
If there are lots of users accessing the forum you can spin up more NodeBB processes using the cluster setting.
Do you have some docs on the cluster settings? This is all https://docs.nodebb.org/en/latest/scaling/?
There's something more?
How many categories and recent replies are you displaying on the home page? The more you display the slower it will get.
I'm using the default settings.
From where I can choose what to display?
I also see that the admin categories panel is very slow.
Doing some shell command from Mongo
[root@gt1 ~]# mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.5
connecting to: test
\> db.collection.totalIndexSize()
\> use nodebb
switched to db nodebb
\> db.collection.totalIndexSize()
\> db.collection.stats()
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "not authorized on nodebb to execute command { collstats: \"collection\", scale: undefined }",
"code" : 13