This plugin seem to be working good on v1.13.4-5. I can add fields, change them throgh the user profile... and I can see fields are exposed to the api/user/$username so it is easy to add to that specific template... /user/$username
I am new to plugin and theme development for NodeBB... I am having a hard time to make like the custom fields be available on other pages template such as topi.tpl for example.
On the Topic API you have information about the user like as follows.. my goal is to expose some or all custom fields there so I can add them to topic.tpl. Any idea how or where I can make that happen? ANY help is appreciated. Thanks!!
"user": {
"uid": 1,
"username": "admin",
"userslug": "admin",
"reputation": 4,
"postcount": 51,
"topiccount": 51,
"picture": null,
"signature": "",
"banned": 0,
"banned:expire": 0,
"status": "online",
"lastonline": 1602618059671,
"groupTitle": "["administrators"]",
"groupTitleArray": [
"icon:text": "A",
"icon:bgColor": "#673ab7",
"lastonlineISO": "2020-10-13T19:40:59.671Z",
"banned_until": 0,
"banned_until_readable": "Not Banned",
"selectedGroups": [],
"custom_profile_info": []