as far as I know- no. this is not a feature of nodebb.
fwiw you can have an addon made for this.
Nicknames -
Is it "possible" to create create auto-recommendation plug-in?This is like, totally do-able.
ERR value is not a valid floatWhen navigating to a thread occassionally an error will appear saying:
ERR value is not a valid float
Any ideas? I haven't done any major reconfiguration recently.
Furthermore, I got this error in my nodebb log:node_redis: Deprecated: The ZADD command contains a "null" argument. This is converted to a "null" string now and will return an error from v.3.0 on. Please handle this in your code to make sure everything works as you intended it to.
Any ideas? Clearly it's an issue with my Redis database but I need to know how to fix it as it accompanies weird sorting issues which really are throwing people off and using the site annoying to use.
Who is using NodeBB?@JaredBusch Oh shit, I think I accidently removed it on that vhost. Thanks!
Two-column Persona Categoriesnah, not gonna do this.
Who is using NodeBB? is one of what i'd imagine to be one of the more customized Node sites.
How to use "posts api" -
How to use "posts api"nodebb-plugin-sso-steam-v2 has a feature that allows you to use Steam IDs and Steam Profile Links in themes as said here
Added steam info to posts api for theme makers to use (post.user.sso-steam:steamid & post.user.sso-steam:profile)
How exactly would I use this?
Two-column Persona Categories@baris said in Two-column Persona Categories:
.columns {
-webkit-column-gap: 15px;
-moz-column-gap: 15px;
column-gap: 15px;
-webkit-column-count: 2;
-moz-column-count: 2;
column-count: 2;
}I have no idea how to implement this
Two-column Persona CategoriesHello! I am Graham, the administrator & designer of
Our community is probably going to need a bunch of categories- we want to have everything nicely laid out full width without having any widgets off to the side, we're instead going to put widgets up top (shoutbox, gameserver status, recent thread cards).
How could I put my "category sections" into two columns, for example how has their categories laid out.
I know SuperiorServers uses a persona-based theme and NodeBB, but I'd like to accomplish something simmilar.