nodebb-plugin-homepage-api: Getting content of mainPid?
Hi everyone
I was playing around with the homepage-api plugin (modifies the homepage api to return the topics of categories instead of the posts) and I tried modifying it to where it also returns the content of the topic/mainPid but couldn't get it to work correctly. Can anybody help me out?this is what I came up with:
function getMainPost(topics, callback) { posts.getPostFields(topics.mainPid, ["content"], function (err, data) { console.log(data); var content = data.content; topics.content = content; }); } function getRecentTopics(category, callback) { categories.getCategoryTopics(category.cid, 0, parseInt(category.numRecentReplies, 10), uid, function (err, data) { var topics = data.topics; async.each(data.topics, getMainPost, function(err) { next(err, data.topics) }); category.topics = topics; category.topic_count = topics.length; callback(null); }); } async.each(categoryData, getRecentTopics, function (err) { next(err, categoryData); });
nvm, I got it working. I was confused how async.each() worked..!
here's what I ended up with:
function getMainPost(topics, callback) { posts.getPostFields(topics.mainPid, ["content"], function (err, data) { topics.content = data.content; callback(null); }); } function getRecentTopics(category, callback) { categories.getCategoryTopics(category.cid, 0, parseInt(category.numRecentReplies, 10), uid, function (err, data) { var topics = data.topics; category.topics = topics; category.topic_count = topics.length; async.each(topics, getMainPost, function (err) { callback(null); }); }); } async.each(categoryData, getRecentTopics, function (err) { next(err, categoryData); });
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