If someone creates the username Guest, all hell breaks loose.
We should really add some optional controls to prevent people from downvoting unless they have X rep themselves
@psychobunny Agree!
@psychobunny PLEASE DO THIS. falls to your feet
Oh and maybe clarify if resetting all rep to 0 once this has happened can be done without potentially breaking anything.
without potentially breaking anything
haha I make no promises
@psychobunny Where did you hide the option? I don't see it after a git pull.
Check out the Privilege Thresholds tab in the Settings page (don't forget to update the vanilla theme too). Soon to be renamed to the "Reputations" tab, perhaps during half time
@psychobunny Negative on the Priv tab. .63 lavender, .68 vanilla. Watching the fooseball too.
We're on 0.0.69 for vanilla.
...Derp, I didn't publish. Just published
Nice one, enjoy the football. You backing SKO?
There's an up-and-coming midfielder who plays for Spurs in the Algeria team, so I guess I should support them (so that when we inevitably sell him to Chelsea or Real Madrid, we can continue being a rich but extremely crap team)