Incoming AP posts don't always become topics, and replies to those posts are becoming topics instead
This is a post shared by [email protected], that isn't visible here.
This is one reply to that post.
These are more replies to that post.
I think I remember reading ("somewhere") that you're already aware that this can happen, but I couldn't find an existing Bug Report for it.
This is one of the peculiarities of the Fediverse to some extent: Not all posts are fetched to your local server, unless you search for them, or unless they were made (or shared) by an account someone on your server follows. But when a reply is fetched, I think it should be possible to search for its parent posts as well so that at least the original topic is visible. Fetching all replies is trickier.
This is one of the peculiarities of the Fediverse to some extent: Not all posts are fetched to your local server, unless you search for them, or unless they were made (or shared) by an account someone on your server follows. But when a reply is fetched, I think it should be possible to search for its parent posts as well so that at least the original topic is visible. Fetching all replies is trickier.
@panos I'm subscribed to [email protected] though - It would have Announced the original post to it's followers (of which I am one).
Mostly, what happening on NodeBB, is that is receives the Announce for what Lemmy would call a post, and turns it into a topic with the Lemmy 'post' as the first NodeBB post in the topic. After, it'll receive the Announce for what Lemmy would call a comment, and turns it in subsequent NodeBB posts attached to that topic.
What's happened with the links I referred to, is that Lemmy Announced the original post to NodeBB, and NodeBB didn't do anything with it. Then, Lemmy Announced the comments, and NodeBB didn't have a topic to attach them to, so it made the comments into topics instead.
The fact that the comments appeared, and that other content from [email protected] is showing in my World feed successfully, suggests that it's a NodeBB bug, not a Fediverse peculiarity (of which there are many, of course, but not in this case).
Something is wrong with how NodeBB is attempting to assert the note at
Note assertion failure · Issue #13108 · NodeBB/NodeBB
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