Nodebb constantly restarting!
Today i restarted my website and now im getting 502 Bad Gateway, if i do ./nodebb status it says its running but every time i do it its in a diferent pid so i guess its constantly restarting?
Im clueless on what to do here. -
I get this:
Launching NodeBB in "development" mode. To run the production build of NodeBB, please use "forever". More Information: info: NodeBB v0.4.3 Copyright (C) 2013-2014 DesignCreatePlay Inc. info: This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. info: This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. info: info: Time: Tue Jun 03 2014 16:04:38 GMT-0400 (EDT) info: Initializing NodeBB v0.4.3 info: * using configuration stored in: /home/nodebbadmin/mynodebb/config.json info: * using redis store at info: * using themes stored in: /home/nodebbadmin/mynodebb/node_modules info: Base Configuration OK. info: [notifications.init] Registering jobs. info: [user.startJobs] Registering User Jobs info: [plugins] Initializing plugins system info: [themes] Using theme nodebb-theme-lavender info: Middlewares loaded. info: [plugins] Found 1 CSS file(s) for plugin nodebb-widget-essentials info: [plugins] Found 1 LESS file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-markdown info: [plugins] Found 1 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-google-adsense warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-youtube] staticDir is deprecated, use staticDirs instead info: [plugins] Found 1 CSS file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-youtube warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-desktop-notifications] staticDir is deprecated, use staticDirs instead warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-mentions] This plugin may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing. warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-mentions] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-mentions". info: [plugins] Found 1 LESS file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-mentions info: [plugins] Found 2 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-plugin-mentions info: [plugins] Found 3 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-theme-lavender info: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-widget-essentials info: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-markdown info: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-google-adsense info: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-youtube info: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-emailer-mandrill info: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-desktop-notifications info: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-plugin-mentions info: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-theme-lavender info: [plugins] Sorting hooks to fire in priority sequence info: [plugins] Plugins OK info: [meta/css] Minifying LESS/CSS info: [sounds] Sounds OK warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-desktop-notifications] "callbacked" deprecated as of 0.4x. Use asynchronous method instead for hook: filter:scripts.get info: [themes] Compiling templates info: [themes] Successfully compiled templates. info: NodeBB attempting to listen on: info: NodeBB is now listening on: error: [meta/css] Could not minify LESS/CSS: './nodebb-plugin-youtube/style.css' wasn't found
Ok i did ./nodebb reset plugins and its working, i guess its a problem with a plugin.
On the log above it says this:Could not minify LESS/CSS: './nodebb-plugin-youtube/style.css' wasn't found warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-mentions] In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset plugin="nodebb-plugin-mentions". ``` Can the youtube or mentions plugin be the problem? EDIT: im starting the plugins one by one and when i get to the youtube plugin i cant start back nodebb, how do i disable just the youtube plugin? With the dev command it shows the same error as above for youtube, so should i unistall it from the acp and install it back again? 2EDIT: Manage to disable it, unistall it and install it back again and it works, but the size of the video is really small how do i increase it? 3EDIT: I guess it was a problem with the cache in my browser, thanks for the help @a_5mith .
Hello guys,
I have a problem with my forum. Nodebb keeps restarting. I can't access the home page of the forum, but I still have access to the admin panel, which is weird, but every 20 secondes, it keeps refreshing itself.
I have deactivated all the plugins, restarted the whole thing, but the issue is still there.I did create a poll just before all this began, I don't know if it's related and if that plugin was or is v0.0.6 compatible.
Is anyone around to help me out? I'll pay good virtual beer!
Here's the result of ./nodebb dev
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For the full license, please visit: Clustering enabled: Spinning up 1 process(es). 3/2 20:08 [2683] - info: Time: Tue Feb 03 2015 20:08:07 GMT-0500 (EST) 3/2 20:08 [2683] - info: Initializing NodeBB v0.6.0 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: * using configuration stored in: /root/nodebb/config.json 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: * using mongo store at 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: * using themes stored in: /root/nodebb/node_modules 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [plugins] Initializing plugins system 3/2 20:08 [2683] - warn: [] Clustering detected, you are advised to configure R edis as a websocket store. 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [notifications.init] Registering jobs. 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [plugins] Found 3 js file(s) for plugin nodebb-theme-lavende r 3/2 20:08 [2683] - info: [themes] Using theme nodebb-theme-lavender 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [plugins] Loaded plugin: nodebb-theme-lavender 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [hotswap] Router with id `plugins` replaced successfully 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [plugins] All plugins reloaded and rerouted 3/2 20:08 [2683] - info: [plugins] Plugins OK 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [meta/css] Minifying LESS/CSS 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [hotswap] Router with id `auth` replaced successfully 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [sounds] Sounds OK 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [meta/templates] Compiling templates 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [meta/templates] Successfully compiled templates. 3/2 20:08 [2683] - info: NodeBB is now listening on: 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [meta/js] Minification complete 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [meta/css] admin.css committed to disk. 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [meta/js] Client-side minfile committed to disk. 3/2 20:08 [2683] - info: NodeBB Ready 3/2 20:08 [2683] - verbose: [meta/css] stylesheet.css committed to disk. ^C3/2 20:09 [2683] - info: [app] Shutdown (SIGTERM/SIGINT) Initialised. 3/2 20:09 [2683] - info: [app] Database connection closed. 3/2 20:09 [2683] - info: [app] Web server closed to connections. 3/2 20:09 [2683] - info: [app] Shutdown complete. *fingers crossed*
Thanks to the admin panel, I disabled the category where I had created my new topic with a poll (I did manage to delete it before I lost access to my forum) and my forum works again.
Is there anyway I can figured out what's bothering this category? Or move the topics inside it somewhere else so I can purge it?
Bloody hell! I took out the recent replies option on the category causing trouble. I changed it from 2 to 0 and that solved the issue. I was able to activate the category again and everything is back to normal.
I'm guessing the poll was bothering the preview on the homepage.