Strike Out Toic (mark as solved)
In our board we have one category, where sorting A-Z is important (so all topics beginning with the same product-name are sorted below each other).
Some of these topics are solved, so I changed the title to "[Solved] Original Title".
But in the A-Z sort they are now sorted as "S" ("Solved" begins with "S").
It would be cool when the "[Solved]" is ignored and the topic is sorted as "O" ("Original Title" begins with "O").I also tried adding "[Solved]" at the end of the original title, but then the text is not that good visible (can be overseen).
You don't see at once what issues are solved.I also tried to strike out the title by writing two "~" in front of the topic and two "~" at the end of the topic.
It should look like thisOriginal Title
But unfortunately the title looks like ~ ~ Original Title ~ ~Any tips how this can be performed?
Thank you!OLLI
Use plugin question :
Edit library.js
change :
topic.title = '<span class="answered"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> Solved</span> ' + topic.title;
topic.title = '<span class="answered"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> Solved</span> <strike>' + topic.title + '</strike>';