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    1 Posts

    As of today, the NodeBB-ActivityPub implementation now supplies both context and audience properties with every post.

    N.B. When I say context and audience, these are also terms used by the ForumWG that refer to "topic" and "category", in NodeBB parlance.

    Early indications from the last ForumWG meeting indicate movement towards the inclusion of context in a low-level as:Note object (a federated NodeBB post), resolvable as an as:Collection or as:OrderedCollection. The latter is what NodeBB will send, ordered by post time.

    Discussions with @[email protected] also suggest that Discourse has the ability to parse an as:OrderedCollection context if provided, but currently does not if encountered as a property in a Note.

    A minor change today also updates the audience property, which used to erroneously point to the context/topic, but now points to the audience/category. This change aligns usage of this property with FEP-1b12's expectations.

    This change should allow other implementors to:

    automatically group objects together given a the provided context, and more thoroughly backfill a given object's context, without relying on inReplyTo traversal
  • 0 Votes
    13 Posts

    @[email protected] NodeBB now supplies context with every as:Note object, and is resolvable as an OrderedCollection.

    One thing that is not currently done is what we talked about here, inheriting the authoritative context and serving that instead. I will need to think that through a bit more.

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    Bharat RathiB

    Hi all,
    Well this is my first time writing a plugin which involves using client side hooks...
    For a start, i would want my plugin to listen to a hook which activates when the topic page is completely loaded and topic tools are loaded too.

    For which I wrote this function:

    'use strict'; /* globals document, $ */ $(document).ready(function () { function alertType(type, message) { require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts[type](message); }); } console.log('nodebb-plugin-quickstart: loaded'); $(window).on('action:topic.loaded', notifyBox); function notifyBox() { console.log("in notify box"); alertType('success', "done") } });

    but this is not working... I can only see "nodebb-plugin-quickstart: loaded" on the console.

    Where am i going wrong here??

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    I use nodebb-plugin-session-sharing to automatically login users from my WebApp.
    This works great on desktop!

    But when I add the cookie to WebView of my React Native app i get:

    Encountered an error loading page code: -1007 description: "too many HTTP redirects" didFailProvisionalNavigation: true domain: "NSURLErrorDomain"

    I inject the cookie by calling

    <WebView source={{ uri: domain, headers: { Cookie: `${tokenName}=${token};Domain=${tokenDomain};HttpOnly;`}, } } />

    When I remove the cookie from the header and reload the app on Simulator, I'm logged in, so the cookie and the plugin mechanism is basically working.

    React Native WebView reference
    nodebb-plugin-session-sharing on Github

    Anyone an idea about this?

    Kind regards