Ok I made some progress, I'm connected to the api, however the video code doesn't work.
The code in the templates file is
<div class="row">
<!-- begin gfyItem -->
<video width="640" height="320" poster="//thumbs.gfycat.com/{gfyItem.gfyId}-poster.jpg" style="display: block;" muted="muted" loop="" autoplay="" class="gfyVid" id="gfyVid1">
<source type="video/webm" src="{gfyItem.webmUrl}" id="webmsource">
<source type="video/mp4" src="{gfyItem.mp4Url}" id="mp4source">
Not supported, please try the URL: <a href="{gfyItem.gifUrl}">{gfyItem.gifUrl}</a>.
<!-- end gfyItem -->
And what comes out, is
<div class="row"><a href="Correct URL">Correct URL</a></div>
So it's connecting, but there seems to be an issue with running the video aspect of this, it's definitely not my browsers as I'm using Canary & Firefox 30.0. So one of the two fallbacks should work. All I get in Chrome is ::before and ::after either side of the link.