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  • SSO using SAML in nodebb

    Unsolved Technical Support
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    Hello, I am working on integrating SAML in my nodebb forum with my paradiso server. they have done from their side and provide me an xml file that has this fields:- <?xml version="1.0"?> <md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="Some confidential details" xmlns:ds="Some confidential details" entityID="Some confidential details">   <md:IDPSSODescriptor protocolSupportEnumeration="Some confidential details">     <md:KeyDescriptor use="Some confidential details">       <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="Some confidential details">         <ds:X509Data>           <ds:X509Certificate>"Some confidential details"</ds:X509Certificate>         </ds:X509Data>       </ds:KeyInfo>     </md:KeyDescriptor>     <md:KeyDescriptor use="Some confidential details">       <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="Some confidential details">         <ds:X509Data>           <ds:X509Certificate>"Some confidential details"</ds:X509Certificate>         </ds:X509Data>       </ds:KeyInfo>     </md:KeyDescriptor>     <md:SingleLogoutService Binding="Some confidential details" Location="Some confidential details"/>     <md:NameIDFormat>"Some confidential details"</md:NameIDFormat>     <md:SingleSignOnService Binding="Some confidential details" Location="Some confidential details"/>   </md:IDPSSODescriptor> </md:EntityDescriptor> and i am doing it with the nodebb-plugin-sso-saml and Passport-SAML but stuck as i am not getting the response please guide us. how can i integrate SAML as a sp