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    After uptgarding (reinstallation) of nodebb, this plugins return error and don't work at all.
    After app starting, I got this warn message:

    7/11 12:20 [31705] - warn: [meta/dependencies] Bundled plugin nodebb-plugin-dbsearch not found, skipping dependency check.
    17/11 12:21 [31705] - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-sso-github] Hook filter:user.delete is deprecated, please use an alternative
    17/11 12:21 [31705] - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-sso-google] Hook filter:user.delete is deprecated, please use an alternative
    17/11 12:21 [31705] - warn: [plugins/nodebb-plugin-sso-twitter] Hook filter:user.delete is deprecated, please use an alternative

    17/11 12:21 [31705] - warn: [plugins/load] The following plugins may not be compatible with your version of NodeBB. This may cause unintended behaviour or crashing. In the event of an unresponsive NodeBB caused by this plugin, run ./nodebb reset -p PLUGINNAME to disable it.

    nodebb-plugin-imgur nodebb-plugin-sso-facebook nodebb-plugin-sso-github nodebb-plugin-sso-google nodebb-plugin-sso-twitter nodebb-plugin-composer-redactor nodebb-plugin-custom-pages nodebb-plugin-desktop-notifications nodebb-plugin-rss nodebb-plugin-youtube

    17/11 12:21 [31705] - info: [User-Invitations] Initializing User-Invitations...
    17/11 12:21 [31705] - info: [plugins/spam-be-gone] Settings loaded
    17/11 12:21 [31705] - info: [User-Invitations] Synced settings: defaultInvitations=10, restrictRegistration=0, invitedUsers=[], inviteGroup=registered-users
    17/11 12:21 [31705] - warn: [plugin/composer-redactor] Another composer plugin is active! Please disable all other composers.
    17/11 12:21 [31705] - info: NodeBB Ready
    17/11 12:21 [31705] - info: NodeBB is now listening on:

    list itemWhen I try to login with Facebook, I got:
    L’URL fournie n’est pas autorisée par la configuration de l’application.: Une ou plusieurs URL fournies ne sont pas autorisées par les paramètres de l’application. Elle(s) doi(ven)t correspondre à l’URL du site ou du Canevas, ou le domaine doit être un sous-domaine de l’un des domaines de l’application.

    With googleplus:
    list item400. That’s an error.
    Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

    list itemWith twitter and github I get the same Error.

    With the ancien version of nodebb, all this sso login worked fine.

    Please can somone help me to resolve this problem ??