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  • Forumgames

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    At my forum we play the a few forumgames like: Ken je het en keek je het? (Do you know it, and did you watch it as a kid) In this game a person post an old TV-show or cartoon he or she saw as a kid. The next person replies to it if he watched the show or not and post a new TV-show/cartoon. Woordketting (Wordchain) A person starts with a word wich begins with the letter where the last word ended. Like Snake - Edit - Transparent - Telegram - Master... Jij bent 'm (You're it) A person post something like 'If you have glasses, you're it'. A person who has glasses may reply to the post with something else like 'if you hate milk, you're it' ... These games (and a lot more) are people playing on my forum. What kind of forumgames are you playing on you'r forum?
  • Playstation Network

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    Look at meeee, I am a gamer feel free to add me on PSN. I have a channel too UEX   Stats for j3nkl3r Howto add your badge<username>.png Statistik för [<Username>](<Username>/stats) Note: you need to generate the badge at psnprofiles first