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  • Command to restart NodeBB with Bash

    Solved Technical Support
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    8 Posts
    @flex said: Do you think that it's possible to don't use yours and replace it by my reverse proxy ? HI, If you meant that one use a niginx which is installed on a host instead of a dockerized nginx which is dedicated for NodeBB, then it's totally possible, yes I just put some ideas and matters One can remove a dockerized nginx easily by just a modifying(removing) of nginx part from docker-compose.yml. Really, that's just it. ( This is a full chain, but if one doesn't need/want a full chain then.. ) One can use a dockerized nginx as a prime web server instead a host installed web server and can serve subomains or what ever with other docker or directory Actually this doesn't happen yet, but nginx can serve static files for NodeBB efficiently and you know, nginx is extremely small. So I'd rather proxy from a host installed nginx to the nodebb dedicated nginx docker ( In this case one needs to change a line 80:80 with 8080:80 or <any port>:80 in docker-compose.yml ) But, if anybody wants to get an easier way and less steps, then your idea will be also a good option.
  • Hovering a link = 404

    Bug Reports
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    5 Posts
    @esiao if you update to latest you shouldn't need to add a data-ajaxify anymore.