Stack of nodebb
I want some one to help me to know more about nodebb
what is the front end used , backend, database ?!
and if there is a way to connect directly -
The stack is:
back-end: NodeJS
database: you choose during set up - any of redis, mongodb or postgres
front end: templating engine powered by benchpress.jsif there is a way to connect directly
Depends on the db you pick. postgres and mongo are viewable/ editable in the back-end. Not sure about redis. Mongo would probably be the easiest one to read in the back end, based on the data structure. (If that's what you meant by connect to the back end.)
i want to connect directly with you to help me in the setup if possible !
[email protected] -
@Omar-Ahmed Unfortunately I am unable to. I just evaluate it myself for my own use-case, but I don't work at NodeBB.
your best bet is to install it on one of these services, picking MongoDB as the database